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AVAILABLE​In-Person viewing of Precipitation Spirit Art (free of charge)


Although you can view pictures of the paintings here on the website, the paintings are much more amazing when viewed in-person and I love showing what Spirit has created!  You may contact me by email or text to set up a time for viewing.


Intuitive Usui Reiki


I am a certified Usui Reiki Master, which is a Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation, and energy clearing. Adding my gift of intuitive insight, I am able to pick up on specific issues. 


​Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method, and can be used in conjunction with all medical and therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. In addition to clearing energetic debris collected from your daily life, Reiki energy work leads to discovery of root causes; extraction and release of stagnant energy caused by emotions, stress, trauma, and/or injury; restores the movement of energy through the body systems; and in healing, recovering a sense of progressive wellness and empowerment. 


During the session, the client’s only job is to relax or sleep while enjoying the session. 


Spiritual Messages/Psychic Intuitive Insight


A Spiritual reading is connecting with loved ones who have crossed over, bringing through messages, healing, comfort, validation, and upliftment.  


In a Psychic Intuitive reading, one receives guidance, insight, and new perspective on their personal growth and development.


Auragraph Reading 


This session is a Psychic Intuitive reading, a soul-to-soul connection, blended with aura reading of where you are currently at on your journey.  Using the colors of your Aura and the symbols I receive, I create a drawing using soft pastels, known as Psychic Art.  I will review with you the information I received, and the drawing is for you to keep.  Please note that what is received during this session can be completely different in another session, as we are always progressing and evolving.


Spirit Portrait 


I have been gifted with the ability to create Spirit Art.  With Spirit guidance during spiritual message reading, I can create a charcoal drawing of your departed loved ones or Spirit Guides.


We all have a team of Spirit Guides and sometimes during a spiritual reading, they come through with messages.  Our Spirit Guides are always lovingly encouraging and supporting us in our growth.


Precipitation Spirit Art 


What is it???  How Spirit Works with Me


A phenomenon where Spirit produces works of art and images on canvas or other surfaces, with little to no help from human hands.


I've always had an appreciation for abstract art and after working with oil paints for several years, a few years back, fluid acrylic art also piqued my interest.  I began experimenting with acrylic paints, and lo and behold, even with my first experimental paintings, Spirit had immediately began creating images on the canvases.  It's been and continues to be so AMAZING and AWE-INSPIRING!!!


And now you get to receive a beautiful tangible loving gift from Spirit, along with messages.


During this incredible and wonderful experience, I place acrylic paints onto the canvas, and as they are being transformed by spirit, I deliver messages from your guides and/or loved ones in spirit.

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